Chapter 30-31 (NA)


Plot Twists

What is a plot twist?

  • Change in the plot direction that might not be anticipated
  • Unexpected

What techniques do writers use to make these plausible?

  • Climax/resolution
  • Anticipation
  • Tension
  • Narrative structure
  • Tangents/digressions/unusual plot movements
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Chapter 30

In Chapter 30, we find out reason for General Tilney's actions. It was because of money (ofc!)

His reasons, and how Austen set up this plot twist so it was plausible:

  • Henry + Eleanor's reaction to Frederick + Isabella (foil)
  • Characterisation of General Tilney
    • Proud
    • Materialistic
    • High standards/ expectations of being surrounded by wealth and status
    • Anger/ quick tempered/ quick to punish
  • Catherine had seen John Thorpe and General Tilney in conversation in Bath
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Plot Twists in Jane Austen Novels

Plot twists in Jane Austen Novels

  • Henry is given consent to marry Catherine
  • Henry and Catherine part and hope that the General will change his mind soon
  • The General is beyond thrilled by this and Eleanor, now a viscoutness, convinces him to give his consent to Henry and Catherine and assures him that Catherine isn't dirt poor, just not as rich as the Tilneys
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