Case Study: High Force Waterfall





  • Created by: Tom
  • Created on: 06-06-10 13:21

Case Study: High Force Waterfall

High Force Waterfall Facts

  • The river tees flowed over hard rock (dolerite) and soft rock (limestone). The limestone erodes quicker and creates two tiers in the river course (channel) thus creating a waterfall.
  • The waterfall is 20m in height and is getting taller as it retreats upstream. It retreats because the river undercuts into the limestone, leaving the rock above unsupported, so it will eventually collapse.
  • At the base of the waterfall the power of the waterfall deepens creating a plunge pool. The waterfall leaves behind a steep sided gorge.
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Case Study: High Force Waterfall

Different Groups Effected by the Waterfall

  • Tourists are attracted to the scenic spots.
  • Water sports.
  • Local businesses will benefit from tourism in the area.
  • Multi national companies might set up in the local area providing the local people with more jobs.
  • Traffic will increase making it harder for commuters to get to work.
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Case Study: High Force Waterfall

High Force Waterfall Diagram

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