

Post-war consensus

-Centralised economic planning & involvement of the gov. in the economy.

-Welfare State and NHS.

-Goal of full employment and equal opportunities.

= Economic problems of the 70's saw the end of this consensus. Development of more confrontational politics.

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Labour gov, 1945-51

-Nationalised industries such as coal mining and shipbuilding.

-Introduced Welfare State including the NHS in 1948.

-Struggled with economic problems resulting from the cost of war.

-Gov continued with wartime austerity => including rationing, made it unpopular.

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Conservative gov, 1951-64

-Saw the growth of the 'affluent society'.

-'Never had it so good' - 1957.

-Britain was losing its credibility as a world power, humiliation of Suez in 1956.

-Balance of payments continued in deficit, pressures on the value of the sterling.

-Growing numbers of industrial disputes.

-Economic growth severely lagging.

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Suez, 1956

-British and French invaded Suez Canal. Nasser nationalised it in 56.

-Forced to withdraw after pressure from the USA.

-USA opposed invasion because it saw it was an example of imperialism.

-National humiliation for Britain.

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Labour gov, 1964-70

-Won 64 election with a majority of 4. Economic problems continued.

-Devaluation in 1967.

-Attempts to solve industrial disputes failed.

-Growth in comprehensive education.

-Legalisation of abortion and homosexuality in 1967.

-Abolishment of death penalty in 69.

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Conservative gov, 1970-74

-Less state involvement in the economy, more critical of post-war consensus.

-Dominated by economic problems.

-Industrial unrest.

-3 day week.


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Labour gov, 1974-79

-Economic problems and industrial unrest continued.

-After 76 the gov began to retrench.

-Winter of Discontent 78-79.

-'the sick man of Europe' - economic problems were so great.

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