Book 16 Summary


Book 16 Summary

Book 16 sees Patroclus ask Achilles to allow him to return to battle. He highlights the Greeks despair and how Achilles will be judged by future generations. Achilles want his name to be remembered for good.

Patroclus asks to return wearing Achilles armour. Achilles agrees but on the condition he agrees to save the ships from the Trojans and then returns home.

Patroclus is allows to return because Achilles wants to gain glory from his actions. Patroclus is a member of Achilles' Oikos and so they share one anothers reputations.

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Book 16 Summary

Achilles does not want Patroclus to take Troy for two reasons:

  • In case he offends a God
  • It would reduce Achilles' opportunities for glory

Achilles prays for Patroclus' safe return but is unaware that it will be ignored. Patroclus is fated to die.

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Book 16 Summary

After great intial success, including the killing of Sarpedon son of Zeus, Patroclus forces the Trojans back towards Troy.

Carried away by success he tries on three ocassions to scale the walls of the city, on each ocassion being stopped by Apollo. Eventually on the 4th attempt the god speaks directly to him and warns him of repeating his attempts.

Altough he attempts to flee, he cannot escape his fate. Apollo first blinds and paralyses him and then strips him naked. Euphorbus then spears Patroclus before Hector finishes him off. Patroclus tells Hector he is fated to die young and will soon be killed by Achilles.

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Book 16 Evaluation

Sarpedons death reflects the dilemma the Gods face. Zeus wishes to save his son, yet he realises that if he did he would infuraite the other Gods. 

Zeus can apparently postpone fate and is aware of mortals fate, yet he himself is subject to this aswell.

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