Belief about deity: Key Words

OCR GCSE Religious Studies B Phylosophy and Applied Ethics :)

  • Created by: bean
  • Created on: 06-06-12 13:13

Belief about deity: Key Words

Apostles creed: An early statement of Christian belief

Forgiveness: Forms part of the widely used Christian prayer Jesus taught to his disciples- The Lord's Prayer

Heaven: A Christian idea of paradise where the soul goes after death if it is free from sin to have eternal life with God.

Monotheism: Belief in one God

Ressurrection: Jesus Christ rose form the dead on the third day of crusifixion

Incarnate: Doctrine that God took human from in Jesus

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Belief about deity: Key Words

Trinity: Christian belief that God has three separate persons within one- Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Father: One person of the threefold nature fo God

Son: One person of the threefold nature of God

Holy Spirit: One person of the threefold nature of God

Cosmological argument: There must be a first cause- God

Teleological argument: The world is so complex that it must have a designer- God

Ontological argument: The idea that God is greater than anything else people can think of

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