

Eucaryotic Cells - clearly defined nucleus where chromosomes are located

Prokaryotic Cells - no membrane-bound organelles including a nucleus

Organelle Functions:

  • Nucleus -> contains DNA as chromosomes, controls cell activity
  • Cytoplasm -> where chemical reactions occur
  • Mitochondria -> cellular respiration, contain enzymes
  • Cell membrane -> holds cell, controls what substances leave / enter
  • Rigid cell wall -> cellulose, gives cell support
  • Chloroplasts -> photosynthesis, contain chlorophyll
  • Chromosomal DNA -> one long circular chromosome, floats freely
  • Plasmids -> small loops of extra DNA, passed between bacteria



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  • They are ued to magnify an image.
  • They increase an image's resolution (how well two close points can be distinguished).
  • Light microscopes allow us to see larger organelles e.g. nuclei, chloroplasts.
  • Electron microscopes allow us to see smaller things in greater detail e.g. plasmids, viruses.
  • Trandmission electron microscopes have higher resolution and magnification but are not portable, are expensive, and are complicated to use.

total magnification = eypiece lens magnification x objective lens magnification

image size = magnification x real size

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  • Contains an organism's genetic material
  • Chromosomes are long coils of DNA which is divided into shorter genes.
  • DNA is a double helix where each DNA strand is made up of lots of nucleotides which join together to make a long polymer.
  • Each nucleotide contains a base: A,T,G or C.
  • A+T is complementary and G+C is complementary.

Nucleotides -> contain a sugar, phosphate and base

Polymer -> larger, complex molecules made from chains of smaller monomers (DNA is made from nucleotide monomers)

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Protein Synthesis


  • Genes code for proteins.
  • Proteins are made from chains of amino acids. Each proteins has a different number / order of amino acids so each protein has a different shape and function.
  • Order of bases in a gene determines order of amino acids in a protein.
  • Each amino acid is coded for by a triplet code of bases.

Protein Synthesis:

1. DNA contains gene coding for proteins.

2. Transcription -> In nucleus, DNA strands unzip around gene. DNA is used as a template for mRNA and base pairing ensures it's complementary.

3. mRNA moves out of nucleus and into cytoplasm.

4. Translation -> Amino acids matching triplet codes on mRNA are joined in correct order. The protein has been coded for by the gene.

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  • Enzymes act as biological catalysts which speed up reactions without being used up themselves.
  • Reduce the need for really high temperatures to speed up useful chemical reactions in the body.
  • Every reaction has a specific enzyme and each enzyme is a protein coded for by a different gene so has its own unique shape.

The Lock and Key Hypothesis:

  • Enzymes only work with one substrate.
  • If the substrate's shape doesn't exactly match the enzyme's active site then the reaction won't be catalysed.Image result for lock and key model (http://www.freethought-forum.com/images/anatomy3/lockandkey.jpg)
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Enzyme Conditions


  • Higher temp. = more movement = more likely for substrate and actiive site to collide.
  • However when conditions are too hot, the enzyme's active site denatures so the substrate can no longer fit in.
  • Optimum temp. is when the reaction goes fastest and is about 37 degrees in humans.


  • If pH is too low / high the active site may denature enzymes.
  • Optimum pH is often neutral 7 

Enzyme and Substrate Concentration:

  • The more enzymes there are, the more likely one will meet with a substrate but eventually there will be more than enough enzyme molecules to deal with all available substrate.
  • The higher the substrate concentration, the more likely the enzyme will will meet with a substrate but eventually all active sites will be full so adding more makes no difference.
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Respiration and Aerobic Respiration

Respiration -> the process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose

  • Energy transferred can't be directly used by cells, makes ATP which stores it.
  • Controlles by enzymes
  • Exothermic reaction

Aerobic respiration:

  • Occurs when there's plenty of oxygen available
  • Most efficient way to transfer energy form glucose

glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water

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Anaerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration:

  • Transfers much less energy per glucose molecule than aerobic respiration.
  • Occurs when you do vigorous exercise and your body can't supply enough oxygen to muscles.
  • Lactic acid builds up in muscles which is painful and causes muscle fatigue.
  • When you stop exercising you'll have an oxygen debt where you need extra oxygen to break down all of the built-up lactic acid.

glucose -> lactic acid

Anaerobic Respiration in Plants:

  • In waterlogged soil where there is little / no oxygen
  • Some fungi, e.g. yeast, respire anaerobically 

glucose -> ethanol + carbon dioxide

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Biological Molecules

Biological structures can be broken down to fuel respiration.


  • Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
  • Monomers are simple sugars 
  • Broken down by enxymes in mouth and small intestine


  • Monomers are amino acids
  • Amino acids contain carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen
  • Broken down by enzymes in stomach and small intestine


  • Made from glycerol and fatty acids, not polymers
  • Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
  • Broken down by enzymes in small intestine
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  • Energy from the sun is used to make glucose.
  • Occurs inside chloroplasts where the chlorophyll absorbs light.
  • Endothermic reaction.
  • Light dependent stage - energy transferred by light is used to split water into oxygen gas an hydrogen ions.
  • Light independent stage - carbon dioxide gas combines with hydrogen ions to make glucose.

carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen

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Rate of Photoynthesis


  • Light tranfers energy needed for photosynthesis so rate increases when light does but only up to a point.

Carbon Dioxide:

  • Concentration of CO2 only increases rate up to a point.


  • If temp. is the limiting factor it's usually because it's too low so enzymes are moving too slowly.
  • If the plant gets too hot then enzymes denature so rate rapidly decreases. This normally occurs at about 45 degrees.
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