Attitudes to language change


Which linguists imply that English will eventually

Otsler- technology will intervene and it will "allow anyone to speak and write in their own language". 

Saraceni- "De-Anglasizing English" will mean cut "umbilical chord" of English off. 

Daily Telegraph- "The English have as much control over English as Italians do over Pizza". 

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Which linguists are in favour of the idea that Eng

Crystal- "Nothing likely to stop spread of English"

Otsler- "The current status of English is unprecedented" 

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Models of work English

Kachru (1992)- Circles. Inner, Outer, Expanding. 

-Criticised for showing prejudice of those in Expanding circle wanting to be in inner circle. 

Modiano (1999)- International language model with all varieties equal. 

Schneider- process. Foundation- expormative- Nativisation- Endormative- Differentiation. 

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