Attachment theoriest

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 23-04-14 10:47

John Bowlby

  • He was asked to investigate the effcts on children who were being cared for n orphanges or similar places
  • His research had shown that meeting a childs physical needs where not good enough they were being psyhologically damaged as they didnt have their mothers.
  • He investgated more and found out that most children were suffring from early sepration from the first 2 years of life.
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Primary care givers

Children need to have a strong stable relationship with their primary care givers. Bowlby thought that a child's relationship with their mothers is the most improtant one.

Attachment is instinctive babies must from an attachment by the age of 2 years.

Separation distress-there are three reponses babies can have afer separated

Protest-crys loudly angry


Detachment-doesn't care they have been left

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Harlow's Monkey

  • His experiement found that regradless of which 'mother' fed the monkey he would always go back to the 'cloth mother'.
  • The monkey felt safe with the cloth mother
  • He blasted air at the monkey while on the cloth mother but it would always go back.
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Mary Ainsworth

  • Built on Bowlby works
  • She conducted experiements on how children reacted when being left with strangers.

Type A- anxious avoidant baby ignore parent and shows little sign of distress when parent leaves, baby ignores parent on return and dislikes being alone but id comforted by the stranger.

Type B- securely attached baby plays whist parent is present, shows distress when parent leaves, cries when alone, partly comforted by stranger, comforted by parent

Type C- anxious resistant baby is wary, very distressed when parent leaves, resists stranger, wants immediate contact with parent but shows anger

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