AS/A2 Eukaryotic cell structure

Detailed notes taken from the textbook and made into flashcards. that's it really tbh idk what else to say.

  • Created by: AR00BA
  • Created on: 04-04-18 16:29


contains genetic information and controls cells activities

  • nuclear envelope: double membrane surrounding the nucleus. controls entry and exit 
  • nuclear pores: allow passage of large molecules (RNA) out of the nucleus. around 300 pores in each nucleus.
  • nucleoplasm: granular, jelly-like material that makes the bulk of the nucleus 
  • chromosomes: consist of protein-bound, linear DNA
  • nucleolus: a spherical region in the nucleoplasm. manufactures ribosomal RNA and assembles ribosomes.
  • chromatin: chromosomes extend throughout the nucleus as chromatin to give grainy appearance.


  • the control centre of the cell through production of mRNA and tRNA
  • contains genetic info in form of DNA
  • manufacture ribosomal RNA+ribosomes 
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oxidises glucose to release energy and synthesise ATP

  • double membrane: controls entry and exit of substances. inner and outer
  • cristae: extensions of the inner membrane. provides large SA for attachment of enzymes and other proteins involved in respiration
  • matrix: makes the remainder of the mitochondrion. contains proteins, lipids, ribosomes, DNA etc. many enzymes involved in respiration are found here.


  • sites of aerobic respiration (krebs and oxidative phosphorylation)
  • produce ATP from glucose
  • very active cells requires lots of energy so have large quantities of mitochondria
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Carry out photosynthesis

  • chloroplast envelope: double plasma membrane that surrounds organelle. very selective in what it allows in and out 
  • grana: stacks of up to 100 disk like structures called thylakoids
  • thylakoid: contain chlorophyll(photosynthetic pigment)
  • stroma: fluid-filled matrix where synthesis of sugars takes place. contains water, enzymes and other substances. 


  • the granal membrane provides large SA for attachment of chlorophyll, electron carriers and enzymes for Light Dep reaction
  • fluid filled stroma possesses all enzymes require to make sugars for Light Indep stage
  • chloroplasts contain DNA and ribosomes so can manufacture proteins needed for photosynthesis.
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Endoplasmic reticulum

a network of membrane-bound channels or lumen. link with nuclear envelope sometimes.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum- studded with ribosomes


  • provide large SA for the synthesis of proteins and glycolipids
  • provide a pathway for transport of molecules esp proteins throughout the cell.
  • folds and processes proteins that have been made of ribosomes

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum- lacks ribosomes, more tubular in appearance


  • synthesise, store and transport lipids
  • synthesise, store and transport carbohydrates
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Golgi apparatus/body

group of flattened membrane-bound cavities.

  • very compact
  • consists of stacks of membranes that make up cristae(flattened sacs)
  • appearance constantly changing as material is entering/exiting.


  • adds carbohydrates to protein to form glycoproteins
  • produce secretory enzymes like the pancreas
  • secrete carbohydrates like those used in making cell wall in plants
  • transport, modify and store lipids
  • form lysosomes
  • stores lipids and proteins made by Golgi and transport them out of the cell via cell surface membrane 
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vesicles produced by Golgi that contains digestive enzymes (lipases, lysosomes)

  • enzymes that hydrolyse cell walls of certain bacteria
  • 50+ different types of enzymes in 1 lysosome
  • no clear internal structure
  • type of Golgi vesicle


  • hydrolyse material ingested by phagocytic cells (WBC/ Bacteria)
  • release enzymes to the outside of the cell (exocytosis) in order to destroy material around it/ digest invading cells
  • digest worn out organelles so their chemicals can be reused 
  • completely break down cells after they die (autolysis)
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  • free floating or attached to RER
  • made of proteins and RNA
  • 2 subunits, each contains ribosomal RNA and protein
  • make up to 25% of dry mass of cell
  • 80s/22nm are eukaryotic 
  • 70s/18nm are prokaryotic


  • site of protein synthesis
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Cell wall

  • consist of microfibrils of cellulose embedded in the matrix 
  • microfibrils have a considerable strength (overall strength)
  • a rigid structure that surrounds the cells in plants, algae and fungi 
  • plants have cellulose 
  • fungi have chitin
  • thin layer called middle lamella which marks boundary btw adjacent cell and cements adjacent cells together 


  • provide mechanical strength in order to prevent cell bursting under pressure from osmotic entry
  • give mechanical strength to plant as a whole 
  • allow water to pass along so it can contribute to the movement of water through the plant
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  • fluid filled sac bounded by a single membrane
  • single membrane around it is called  tonoplast
  • plant vacuole has mineral salts, amino acids, wastes etc


  • support plant- make them turgid
  • sugars and amino acids act as temporary food stores
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