Ante-natal Tests

Ante-natal Tests

  • Created by: EmilyKate
  • Created on: 26-05-12 12:02

Hand Held Notes

Hand Held Notes- Kept by Mother and brought to ante-natal appointments.

  • Name & Adress
  • General Health 
  • Family History
  • EDD
  • Histrory of previous pregnacies and Labours
  • Ante-natal assessments/ all tests
  • Next of Kin
  • Ethnic Origin

Accessable,all infromation stored in one place and vauable in emergency.

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Birth Plan

Birth Plan-  A mothers Ideas and expectations for Birth, taken with her everywhere in case of Emergency.

  • Place of Birth
  • Who will be present
  • Type of Pain relief
  • Who will cut the umbilical cord
  • Religious or Dietary requirements
  • will baby be plased on mother skin to skin after birth
  • Personal requirements- Music
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