20 MARK Q3. - Examine the ways in which the body is a symbol of culture.



Body is a product of social and cultural world; it is a social construction - ideas towards body develop over time. The body represents the culture of an individual.

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Paragraph 1.

Herts - handedness:

  • preference over one hand than the other
  • often the right hand is symbolised with purity and the left hand is symbolised with dirt.
  • in india for example, people do unpleasant things with their left hand and shake hands and eat food with their right hand.
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Paragraph 2.

Mauss - techniques of the body:

  • body is trained within a culture.
  • concept of 'habitus'


  • Bateson agrues that children's body positions are socially constructed
  • balinese - children are not allowed to crawl.

Bourdieu - habitus:

  • depends on human history & memory;
  • exists beyond original reason for doingit
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Paragraph 3.

Turner  - social skin:

  • kayapo in amazon, body adornment is cultural way to show social identity among other things,.


  • MS13 gang in la use tattoos to show where and who they belong to.
  • tattoos in the western world are an example of social skin.
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