1920s America- Causes of the Economic Boom

  • Created by: dh11
  • Created on: 25-01-17 15:32

The Car Industry

  • Biggest producer: Henry Ford Motor Company
  • 1909: mass production of the Ford T Model, dubbed the Tin Lizzie. 1909 price was $1200, 1928 price was $295. More than 1 million sold.
  • Standardised parts made for quick and cheap production line manufacturing. 1 car was made per minute.
  • Less workers (so lower labour costs) and cheap parts made for a large profit, so wages increased.
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(Car Industry cont.) Mass Production

  • Mass production worked by breaking down the job along a production line, giving each person the same small job again and again.
  • The more cars were made in this way, more jobs were created in other industries. E.g. road makers, glass, steel, rubber, oil...
  • Cars led to diners and motels being built, creating jobs.
  • People spent their wages on consumer goods like irons and fridges, which were all made on production lines as well.
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  • Tariffs are the taxes on imported goods
  • Avrg. tax was 40%, but the 1922 Fordney-McCumber act made it so foreign goods had 40-400% tarrifs
  • This made people buy more home US goods. US appliances were also cheaper due to mass production
  • In retaliation European products got cheaper, so the US increased the tariffs. This made life difficult for the poor.
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Republican Gov. Policies

  • The 1920 Republican promise for a return to 'Normalcy' helped fuel the boom with 'Lasseiz-fare', meaning 'leave it alone'.
  • No controls therefore were put on industry / financial institution so if something happened, people would have huge debt.
  • The wealthy had their taxes lowered
  • High tariffs
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Share Prices

  • Thousands of ordinary people bought shares on the stock exchange
  • 1921-29: prices rose by 500%
  • People borrowed money to buy shares which was unregulated due to 'Lasseiz fare'
  • There was a 'bull market', meaning a rise in all prices
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Cycle of Prosperity

  • 1. Mass production led to cheaper products
  • 2. Spend wages and buy more goods
  • 3. More employed to make more goods
  • 4. Advertising: more bought
  • 5. Hire purchase helped people buy the goods
  • 6. More people can afford it

(Then back to 1 and so on)

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