1.1.07 Nature of Gov- Political change


Political changes

  • Despite any reforms that Tsars made, still had underlying desire to maintain autocracy and most structure remained exactly the same.  Some attempts were made to introduce democracy such as A2's Zemstvas 1864 + N2's Duma 1905
  • however both made alongside efforts to maintain tsarist rule: Zemstva's voting system was designed to not-favour peasants, and N2's Fundamental Laws of 1906 reaffirmed autocracy

Provisional Gov had more positive attitude towards political change with aim of setting up Constituent Assembly. Also released political prisoners and formed an alliance with PetrogSoviet

Communists initally wanted revolutionary policial change. But after oct 1917, consolidated power. Constitutions 1918,1922 and 1936, appeared to grant more autonomy to regional groups but under Stalin power was more centralised. 

NK showed a greater willingness to implement political change by destalinising Russia and shifting power to the Party, in a more democratic centralist move. 

Extent of political change? Not much overall within Tsarist + Communist time periods, but between them ofc great change. 

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