Macbeth character revision poster

Hopefully these are helpful, I'm really happy with how my lit paper 1 exam went this morning and its probably because I made these posters and stuck them around the house, I'm planning to put multiple examples of these up because I think there's not enough quoatations posters, especiallly that are visual. 

I recommend sticking them around your house, you could either print them off or recreate them. If you chose to do the latter, and you're worried about not knowing enough quotes, create a skeleton (minimal) version of these with headings, and then fill up the quotes that come to you as you're thinking about it. After, if there are any quotes you meant to write down but forgot, write them in a coloured pen or use a highlighter so that you remember them. 

I also suggest making a key vocab list, I've used a range of vocab, (Hubris, harmatia, typical tragic hero features, usurper, tyrant etc.) so if you are unaware of the meaning of words please feel free to google them as this level of vocab will secure (along with a decent analysis) that you get high marks. 

If you want to create your own from a theme or possible question, you could watch some of Mr Bruff's student example videos on youtube which have really high level work and vocab in, and it will also help you to structure your essays, for me, these were more helpful than the cgp revision guides and class notes.

Good luck!

  • Created by: llbr32
  • Created on: 22-05-17 16:02




btw ' I.A ' is iambic pentameter, which reflects the rhythm of the heart beat hence why I've drawn a heart 

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