Building Block Template (12 Mark)

During A2 in particular, I found it really useful to use this template for every double page spread to make an essay plan. For AS students, you'll only need to plan twelve mark questions but for A2, you'll need a twenty four mark essay plan for each double page spread. So you can just double this table up to have a twenty four mark building block.

So basically in the left hand column you can put a key word which will help you remember your point. Then in the right, add some detail about your paragraph in note form. So it's just an essay plan really but I found having a template ready helped me :) It may help to write the notes using the 'point, evidence, explain, link' structure too :)

This file is marked as 'A2' but it is useful for AS students as well - making a twelve mark building block for each double page spread will give you enough content to answer any question you get.

For A2 students in particular, don't be afraid to mix up the order of your points. The essay will flow better if you mix up your AO1 and AO2 points, rather than just doing all of your AO1 and then AO2. Also don't forget to add at least one IDA point into each plan - otherwise you can't hit the top marks. Also try to integrate these points into the essay too, rather than just putting them at the end of the essay like an afterthought. 

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