Vocational Education

  • Created by: RebecaL
  • Created on: 18-12-18 19:41

Vocational Education


  • They will lead to a more skilled and better qualified workforce, allowing Britain to be more competitive.
  • Reduces the numbe of 16-18 year olds that are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


  • Critics see vocational courses as a place where non-academic individuals, who are seen as 'failiures', are thrown into.
  • The emphasis on skills training hides the fact that the problem isn't that young people lack the skills required but that there is no work for young sklled people to do.
  • Marxists argue that vocatinal courses are seen as lower class qualifications that get lower class individuals into the world of work, working for the capitalists.


Vocational courses are suitable for certain individuals and certain jobs. A doctor cannot do a vocational course and a hairdressser does not have to have a qualification.


Margarett Sawayn


Vocational education can take place at the secondary, post-secondary, further education and higher education level; and can interact with the apprenticeship system. At the post-secondary level vocational education is often provided by highly specialized trade schools, technical schools, community colleges, career colleges, and universities. I am facing issues in choosing dissertation topic but now my friend sent me https://hitechgazette.com/choose-dissertation-topic/ article that can help in to find some interesting topics for my dissertation.