UK and US legislative functions

  • Created by: ems200202
  • Created on: 26-04-21 21:32

UK and US legislative functions


  • Only 1 house in each bicameral chamber can vote on monetary bills, eg House of representatives and House of Commons.
  • In the US a senator can filibuster legislation, For instance, Ted Cruz spoke for 21 hours in hopes to delay the legislation being progressed. It can only be ended if 60 senators agree to a cloture motion. In the UK. under the parliament act 1911, the house of lords can delay a bill up to 2 years. For instance when it delayed the tax and finance bill.


  • The UK's bicameral chambers are unequal in legislative power, compared to the US that has an equal co-existing powers. For instance, the UK's house of lords is limited by 3 main legislatures: parliament acts, Salisbury convention and not being able to touch budgets. In the US,the senate although being the upper chamber , has an upper hand to the house of lords. For instance the senate can reject and ratify treaties , which the other chamber can not.
  • In the US more bills are challenged compared to the UK. For instance, in the US only 4% of bills make it into law. This is because the UK are more likely to vote along party lines due to party loyalty and whips. In the US , this is less likely to happen as they're less likley to lose their job.

Overall comparison


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