TKAMB - Aunt Alexandra


Physical Description


  • "She was not fat, but solid, and she chose protective garments that drew up her bosom to giddy heights, pinched in her waist, flared out her rear and managed to suggest that Aunt Alexandra was once an hour-glass figure."
  • "Aunt Alexandra was standing as stiff as a stork." - Strict.
  • "Swiftly" - She can adapt to situations.
  • "He and Aunty looked alike" - Atticus was similar, childish interpretation and innocence of Scout.
  • Acting as the female influence in the Finch's house.
  • Atticus' sister and Jem + Scouts Aunt
  • Uncle Jack is Atticus' younger brother.
  • Wants to turn Scout into a lady.



  • Judgmental - "Everybody in Maycomb....a funny streak"
  • Always looks for someone to back up her opinions "let any moral come along and would uphold it"
  • Adapts to different environments and situations "fit into Maycomb like a hand in a glove"
  • Easily agitated, gets angry, antagonised "she was furious"
  • Interfering - "Aunty had a way of declaring "what is best for the family"
  • "she was an incurable gossip"
  • Dignified "if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I"
  • Prejudice and racist
  • Proud
  • Audience likes her more as the novel moves on.
  • Begins to sympathise with Tom Robinson's family (especially when he dies), gives the reader hope that that traditional southern views can change in the future.
  • See a more caring and sensitive side of her. Horrified with Tom's death and is worried about Atticus.


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