The Multi-store model of Memory - AQA A Psychology

Some strengths and weaknesses of Atkinson & Shiffrin's MSM, and an evaluation :)

  • Created by: Megan
  • Created on: 19-12-12 19:13

The Multi-store model of Memory - AQA A Psychology


  • Neuropsychological evidence - studies of HM and Clive Wearing show that the STM can function normally, whilst LTM is unfunctioning; KF had an impaired STM but functioning LTM (proof for separate stores); Alzheimer's disease prevents a good STM and induces a poor LTM; Brain scans show that different areas of the brain are used during STM and LTM tasks.
  • Influential theory - provided impetus for further important research; division of memory into two major types (still considered useful distinction); large amounts of research supporting STM/LTM distinction; free recall task (GLANZER AND CUNITZ) shows the differences between STM and LTM, also shows that rehearsal moves info to LTM.
  • Laboratory evidence - Duration of STM limited to a few seconds (Petersons'), whereas LTM possibly a lifetime (Bahrick); Capacity of STM is between 5 and 9 items or chunks (Miller), whereas LTM is possibly limitless; Encoding in STM is mainly acoustic (Conrad) but semantic is preferred in LTM (Baddeley)


  • Other routes into LTM other than rehearsal - KF could put new info into LTM without a functioning STM; memories for shocking events are imprinted directly into LTM; many memory improvement techniques that don't depend on rehearsal.
  • Different ways to interpret research - KF can support and oppose the MSM; digit span is about 7 items, Miller said that that was the capacity, whilst Baddeley thought it was because we only remember as much as we can say in 2 seconds i.e. limited by time not space.
  • Single stores or not - Baddeley showed in research for WMM that STM is divided into compartments, and is active rather than passive.
  • MSM too simple - can't explain why we remember somethings easier than others or why recognition is easier than recall.
  • Flow of info in a fixed sequence - info from LTM is activated before being recalled in STM, e.g. the pronounciation of the letter B is taken from LTM and converted into an acoustic code in STM.


Research does support the view that there are a number of different memory stores which are quantitatively and qualitatively different, as described by the MSM; it supports a distinction between STM and LTM in terms of duration, capacity and encoding. However, the MSM is oversimplified.


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