The Civil War


The Civil War


  • There were many puritan MP's who wanted a say in how the counrt was run and less power for the king
  • Charles believed in the divine right of kings which meant he thought that he was sent by god to rule the country
  • Charles married a Catholic, which upset MP's
  • England was involved in expensive foreign wars, so he was short of money
  • He forced the rich to lend him money
  • Charles then asked parliament to raise custom duties, but instead parliament presented him with the Petition of Right
  • Charles dismissed parliment for 11 years because he felt they were attacking his freedom to rule
  • Charles then made William Laud Archbishop of Canterbury. He made services more Catholic
  • Charles tried to force religious change on Scotland, but they refused. Charles sent an army to enforce the new prayer book, but they were defeated
  • Short of money Charles had to recall Parliament and ask for a grant. Parliament refused so Charles dismissed them again
  • Charles was forced to sign the Treaty of Ripon which handed over control of six northern counties to the Scots. He also had to pay them £850 a day
  • Charles recalled parliament later that year. This was the long parliament
  • 3,000 Protestants were killed by rebels lead by Phelim O'Neill in Ireland
  • Parliament forced Charles to make changes. John Pym put before Parliament a list of things that the king had done wrong. This was the Grand Remonstrance
  • Charles was furious and tried to arrest Pym and other rebel MP's but they escaped


  • This lead to the civil war, but ultimately it lead to Parliament running the country
  • In 1645, the kings and his forces were defeated at the battle of Naseby
  • In 1649 Charles was arrested and put on trial, accused of ruling as an evil ruler, causing misery and bloodshed.
  • He was found guilty and executed on 30 January
  • This meant that Parliament and the Army were now the most powerful people in the country. They were lead by Oliver Cromwell
  • Parliament began to quarrel and were incapable of running the country so Oliver Cromwell dismissed parliament
  • Cromwell made himself Lord Protector with the powers of a king
  • He crushed an Irish rebellion, killing 3500 people
  • Cromwell then captured 340 levellers (a group of people that wanted to change the way the country was governed) and killed four
  • Cromwell was Puritan so banned Christmas, sport, going to the theatre, gambling and drinking.

Overall summary

As a result of the civil war there were many big changes. Most of them did not work and ultimately England went back to being ruled by a monarchy once more. 


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