The ATP/PC System


The ATP/PC System


  • The system has the ability to provide a comparatively brief but intense amount of energy for times when the body must do a large amount of work over a brief period of time (part of our basic fight or flight instinct no doubt).
  • Glycolysis is not involved so the process is not catabolic.
  • The Creatine Phosphate in a sense “recycles” and rebuilds the ATP molecule to extend both the time that one is able to use this energy system, as well as the number of times that one can use the system.
  • The system can and should be trained by doing short maximum intervals with a recovery of three times the work load time.


  • It can only provide energy for brief periods of time—eight to ten seconds.
  • The system can be accessed a number of times, but will eventually exhaust the “built-in” supply of ATP - even with the help of the Creatine Phosphate molecule.
  • Rebuilding of the supply of ATP takes 24 to 48 hours (it is helped through the use of a high glycemic sports drink with the addition of some protein (four grams of carbohydrate to one gram of protein) within the first 1/2 hour following a training ride or event. That first half hour window is crucial - beyond that time re-uptake resumes at a normal pace.



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