The Validity of Referring to God as 'Mother'

  • Created by: horsn002
  • Created on: 11-04-19 18:00

The Validity of Referring to God as 'Mother'


  • The use of 'Father' should be seen in the patriarchal context and isn't a strong argument to use on its own as the Bible seems to be written by men for men. This could lead to the exploitation of women and the abuse of the earth.
  • The Bible conveys a violent, militaristic, male God and has lead to male domination of women. It ignores the biblical use of female images for God e.g. in Proverbs 8, and fails to convey the motherly, nurturing characteristics of God.
  • The Father-Son bond between God and Jesus is a relationship that excludes women yet God's nature has no gender but embodies feminine characteristics.
  • Bible contains several female images of God. OT, Isaiah describes God as a comforting mother. In the NT Jesus compares God to a woman searching for a lost coin. The image of God as a sustainer and healer isn't just scriptural, it's part of peoples life experience.


  • It depends on whether or not the model of God as 'Father' is considered adequate - Christians would say it is as it conveys God's character & purpose for humankind, it describes one who creates & God is creator of everything that has life & it expresses the characteristics of a God who loves his children, rewards them when they seek him, communicates with them through his word and disciplines them when necessary.
  • Jesus constantly refers to God as 'Abba' (Daddy), the affectionate term children in Palestine used for their father. Paul backs this up in Romans 8:15.
  • The concept of God as Mother of the world is suspect as it brings to mind ancient Near Eastern cults where the mother-goddess gives birth to the earth.


The concept of God as Mother is necessary because it reflects other characteristics of God.


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