‘The quality of life for both workers and peasants suffered as a result of Stalin’s economic policies in the 1930s.’ Assess the validity of this view.


‘The quality of life for both workers and peasants suffered as a result of Stalin’s economic policies in the 1930s.’ Assess the validity of this view.


  • Workers suffered harsh working conditions: 7 days a week, long hours, labour discipline was cruel, arriving last or being absent could result in dismissal, eviction and loss of benefits.
  • Damaging machinery or leaving a job without permission was a criminal offence, strikes were illegal, internal passports and from 1938, labour books recorded employment.
  • There was a severe shortage of housing - the kommunalka restricted privacy, consierges spied on apartment blocks.
  • There was a rise in population which caused strained services.
  • Until 1935, there was rationing with shortages of food and there was a reliance on the black market.
  • Kulaks were deliberately persecuted and wiped out - dislocation of move to collectives brought famine in 1932-33 (particularly in Ukraine).


  • Industrialisation raised real wages for factory workers.
  • Skilled workers did the best because of the skills shortage.
  • Purges created vacancies "at the top".
  • Hours and wages were regulated.
  • Some had the benefit/access to factory canteens and sometimes factory shops.
  • Urban workers were given education, health, housing and benefits.
  • Women had more opportunities (42% industrial workers by 1945).
  • Peasants recieved a regular wage and could better themselves.
  • From 1935, they had their own private plots and could see in the market place.
  • Compulsory schooling for the first time in the countrysie brought a rise in literacy levels.


*found from AQA website)Overall, for the majority of peasants and workers in the 1930s, they suffered as a result of Stalin's economic policies, however, for some, mostly in urban areas, there were more beneficial regimes implemented which somewhat improved their quality of life.


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