The Black Death Vs The Great Plague

Black Death - 1348

Great Plague - 1665


The Black Death Vs The Great Plague


  • Causes - punishment from God; astrology; miasma
  • Quarantine - during the Black Death they tried to prevent movement by doing 40 days quarantine when someone entered a new area. In the Great Plague they would mark red crosses on doors to show where people had the illness and they were quarantined for 28 days
  • Preventative methods and treatment included prayer, fasting and going on pilgrimage (religious) as well as trying to ward off miasma
  • Best way to avoid the plague was to run away
  • In both times, people focused on preventing the disease because treating it seemed to be ineffective


  • In the Great Plague there were some ideas about the spread of disease through contact, however the miasma theory was much more popular
  • In the Great Plague there were more authoritative actions in response to the plague - eg the king issued a list of actions to try to stop the spread and streets were cleaned, as well as public gatherings cancelled

Overall comparison




This is very helpful. Thanks FenellaMae!



thanks this is helpful i have such a hard project this made it that bit easier!


mock test tomorrow so basically thanks for the answer :')