Symbols Tillich

  • Created by: 16iilhan1
  • Created on: 14-09-22 14:40

symbols tillich


  • symbols dont have to be visusla .RL is used to express RE and practice
  • statements can be symbols "god is good"  not an adequete decription but lnaguiuage symbolises gods natuere
  • signs and symbols pomint to something beyond themsleves
  • accepts God (“Being-Itself”) is beyond finite expression and so any Religious Language is inherently limited
  • Paul Tillich argues that religious language is symbolic, not literal.


  • BUT the nature of religious expression enables us to grasp something of Being-Itself in a meaningful way
  • The original meaning can often become lost
  • Symbols intend to “point beyond themselves”, but how can we know whether they actually point towards higher truth?
  • It is unclear whether actual truth is revealed through symbols
  • john macquarrie arges that RL is both symbolic and anoglous water clreanses asccoate ot with baptism spiritaul cleanising
  • can  develop Tillich’s idea both theistically (the symbols point towards the reality of God) and non-theistically (there is no God but the symbolism has a sociological or psychological function)
  • Randall - symbols may unite people and motivate and communicate ideas, the language is still non-cognitive (not expressing things which can be determined to be true or false).


Tillich theory of participation has more strengths then weaknesses


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