stengths and weaknesses of the new republic and its constitutions


stengths and weaknesses of the new republic and its constitutions


  • A genuine democracy-elections were held for parliment and the president with people over the age of 20 being able to vote.(men AND women).
  • A bill of rights-every German was guaranteed the freedom of speech,religion and equality under the law.
  • The power of the Reichstag-The reichstag appointed the government and made laws which was a big change from the Kaisers regime.
  • chancellor's role-the chancellor needed a majority in the reichstag,so their appointment was democratic


  • proportional representation-each party got the same percentagte of seats in parliment as the percentage of votes it recieved in the election.Because of this,they were many small parties,making it difficult for laws to be passed and led to short-lived governments.
  • article 48-In an emergency, the president could act WITHOUT the approval of the reichtag.Because this was often used to much, it weakened the german peoples belief in democracy.
  • unpopular from the start-the politicians that signed the armistace who were now involved in the new republic were percieved as traitors.The people were told by the army they COULD win and the public thought they had a chance.But politicians wrote that chance away when they signed the armistice.
  • politically divided and economically damaged-there was a lack of commitment between politicians and powerful forces to wok together.
  • states rights-individual states could oppose the national government and try to remove it.


The Wiemar republic, although unpopular from the start, gave Germany a new kind of hope.It restored faith in Germany and its people that it could be a unified and peaceful country by giving its public a say in who should run its country.It gave German people important rights and introduced a fair, but sometimes too fair, democratic government.However, it could be viewed as TOO democratic because letting as many parties in the Reichstag,allowed laws to be rejected.It allowed the president to do what he wanted in 'emergency's' and in the eyes of the German people,were full of traiters.


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