
  • Created by: logden
  • Created on: 19-05-18 10:40



  • Understanding - Talks to Christopher in a clear way he will understand (e.g. no metaphors) but like a human/ person
  • Encouraging, helps him grow - 'I like the detail'; Christopher hears her voice at the station telling him to 'walk along''a big red line across the [train station] floor'
  • Honest - Does not reply when Christopher asks her - 'Does that mean I can do anything?' - Knows that due to Christopher's social and communication difficulties, he may not be able to do everything a neurotypical person can and does not want to give him false hope
  • Maternal - Comes into Christopher's life after his mother has gone away, acts as a motherly figure -Links to ideas of being encouraging and reassuring
  • Reassuring - At train station; When Christopher can't sleep in London, she distracts and calms Christopher by asking him about cars ('What cars are there?')
  • Acts as a foil (contrast) to Ed & Judy - emphasises their flaws
  • Narrates Christopher's story - shows she understands Christopher - Helps him complete his life story (by telling it) - multiple narrators show Christopher's confusion - convey's emotions in Christopher's story/ life

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Stays constant - Helps reassure Christopher through family turmoil; means audience focuses on development of family, rather than relationship between Siobhan and Christopher


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