Separatism (For and Against)

  • Created by: LivBarnes
  • Created on: 23-02-17 20:14

Separatism (For and Against)


  • FOR
  • Psychological reasons and the idea that a nation must exist in peoples minds. If they do not feel par of a community, then it doesn't exist.
  • Cultural reasons members of a nationality  must understand each other through culture, common language or customs.
  • Historical reasons a nations history is critical as it tells every inhabitant that the nation existed before them and will continue after they die. A nation is greater than the individual-explains why people say they would die for their country.
  • Territory can cause separatist pressure as borders can create minorities which can cause discrimination within a state or country. Sacred lands  may exist. Injustices are felt if territory is lost.
  • Political tension and lack of autonomy can also create separatist pressures; people want autonomy to make their own decisions, not fully independent but with some freedom.
  • For people seeking seperatism-what are the advantages?
  • An area which is economically depressed compared to a wealthier one can then have complete/some independence on how they control their money.
  • A minority language or culture with a different history will be able to prevent cultural dilution.
  • A minority religious grouping will be able to practice their religion with less chance of discrimination from major groups.
  • Exploitation of local resources  by national government produces may be stopped, giving the area more resources to work with.
  • The country will have more control over their political affairs and education.
  • For the country that is losing territory to separatism what are the advantages?
  • It is likely there will be a reduction in tensions as minority groups will have been reduced meaning there is no minorities to cause conflict.
  • There is less pressure to please minority groups such as teaching their language or raising awareness about their culture.
  • The country may have more resources for a smaller population, such as less people to provide energy for homes, less people to provide health care and education for.


  • For people seeking seperatism-what are the disadvantages?
  • The country/state may realise it cannot support itself economically as new trade deals, energy and supply deals will have to be made.
  • Internal conflict may occur as not everyone may have wanted to become independent meaning tensions may rise.
  • There may be lack of employment/unemployment may rise as people may have worked in the area of the country/state they became separate from, increase dependency on the governmental organisation for support.
  • For the country that is losing territory what are the disadvantages?
  • A small chance of governmental organisations collapsing due to separatism and having to reorganise the unit.
  • Conflict over owning resources with the area wanting separatism.
  • There may be autonomy given to the minority area, meaning there will be more conflict as minority views are given to majorities who may not agree with the decisions that are made.


What is separatism?separatism is the advocacy or practice of separatism of certain group of people from larger body on the basis ethnicity, religion or gender.


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