Quincey Morris




  • Young Texan man
  • Outsider to english society like Dracula and Van Helsing
  • Brave and courageous
  • One of Lucy's admirers
  • If Dracula is a symbol of he past and an Eastern threat to the British Empire, Quincey himself represents the emerging threat of America's global dominance.
  • Symbolically, he represents the new and emerging United States.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Key member of the group who hunts down and kills Dracula.
  • Quincey does not survive the ordeal - the English men and women prevail.
  • While Stoker presents him to be brave, sacrificing his life to stab Dracula in the heart, Morris is nevertheless tied to Dracula in some subtle ways.
  • He has expereince of vampire bats and vampirism. He also disappears into the night. Some critics have gone as far as to suggest Quincey himself is a potential vampire.


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