Psychodynamic- + & -


Psychodynamic- + & -


  • Acknowledges importance of childhood experiences in determining personality
  • Offers causal explanations for underlying atypical conditions
  • Freud's psychodynamic methods are still used in psychiatry
  • Freud's theories are unfalsifiable
  • Treats the whole person, not just the problem
  • Made case studies popular in psychology
  • Applied in gender role development, moral development, treating aggression and dream analysis
  • Highlighted the importance of the unconscious mind
  • Huge impact on Western thought and literature


  • Freud's theories are unfalsifiable- unscientific
  • Case studies lack generalisability, especially as many done by Freud were of middle-aged women from Vienna
  • The idea that infants display sexual urges has been criticised
  • Freud's theories are male-oriented
  • Rejects free will (Humanistic psychologists disagree)
  • Ignores mediational processes (SLT would argue this matters)
  • Psychoanalysis as a therapy has been questioned, considering the number of patients who recover spontaneously from atypical disorders
  • The clinical interview method has problems with bias. There are accusations of therapists reconstructing memories by implanting false memories.



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