Population change


Population change


  • Improvement in healthcare - longevity increased therefore people living for longer.
  • Industrialisation: the need for a labour force, the ability to have children as a result of having access to an income that allows it.
  • A lack of contraception - socially unacceptable or for religious reasons.
  • The need for children for physical labour
  • Initially there was high infant/child mortality but as healthcare improve this decreased, but number of children had has not necessarily decreased yet.


  • Overcrowding = high land prices, cost of living is increased
  • Congestion
  • Demands for resources are increased - shortages, famine etc.
  • Pollution - air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution
  • Population doubled between 1650-1850, 1850-1920 and 1920-1970.
  • Approx. three babies born per second.

Overall summary

LEDCs and MEDCs contrast greatly in rates of growth - However, in the last century our population has trebled that of 60 years ago with population growing exponentially. Many LEDCs continue to have very high birth rates as a result of a lack of contraception, the need for manual labour, high infant mortality rates and the prestige or reputation that having many children gives for the father of a family. MEDCs in contrast, have begun to experience decreases in the rate of growth of their population with increasing costs of living as a result of increased demand for all resources include food and land prices. The current world population is approx. 7 bn.


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