Piggy - Lord of the Flies - Character Analysis

A breakdown and close analysis of the character of 'Piggy' from William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies.'

  • Created by: Micah
  • Created on: 12-05-13 20:00



  • Wise - Piggy is shown throughout the novel to be wise e.g. when he thinks of a use for the conch.
  • Described as 'short and fat' - makes him difference not only in personality but in appearance from the boys.
  • Logical and Intelligent - 'Piggy, for all his ludicrous body had brains. Ralph was a specialist in thought now and could recognise thought in another.' - shows how the other boys recognise the value of his logic, wisdom and intelligence.
  • Seen as an outsider - the way he speaks (grammatically incorrect) is different to the way the other boys speak. He belongs to a different social class than the middle and upper class boys.
  • Respectful - Respects the conch and has faith in it's ability to bring the boys to order.
  • Golding uses Piggy to show the law and order of the adult world. He believes in rules and good behaviour and this is shown when he says 'acting like a bunch of kids!'
  • Golding uses Piggy to show the part of the human personality that believes that we act according to an absolute set of standards. Piggy makes continual references to his aunt which shows that he feels more comfortable in the adult world.
  • Through Piggy's death Golding shows how logic, wisdom, structure and democracy cannot survive due to the faults of humans and the inherent evil within man.
  • The value of reason and logic is only realised at the end of the novel when Ralph weeps for 'the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy.'
  • Piggy's glasses are also used to show the breakdown of society,  logic and reason when they are broken.
  • The conch is broken when Piggy dies which once again represents the loss of order and reason within society.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Piggy's hair does not grow as much as the other boys showing how he is almost unchanged throughout the novel.
  • Piggy develops from one of the groups outsiders to a close friend of Ralph, this is shown particularly when Ralph cries for the loss of Piggy at the end of the novel.
  • The character of Piggy develops because of the change of the other boys which helps to develop a greater contrast between the savagery of the other boys and the civilised, good ways of Simon and Piggy.
  • Golding uses Piggy's glasses as much as the character of Piggy to show the loss of reason, logic and order within the group of boys.
  • Piggy is often verbally abused by the other boys. At the start Ralph refers to him as 'fatty' before finding out his real nickname and teases him about this. However, he is proud at even the slightest recognition from Ralph showing that he is often used to being an outsider.


Paul Dutton


A useful grid on Piggy. Good for some at-a-glance revision, plenty of information.



Thank you, I have grids on the main characters from LotF as well as some characters from Of Mice and Men which really helped me during my GCSE year. Please feel free to use them. 






Wooow nice !!!!   mybkexperience.com survey

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