lord of the flies characters

  • Created by: aemaan786
  • Created on: 17-03-18 10:43
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  • Lord Of The Flies - characters
    • Ralph
      • one of the oldest boys and is quickly elected as Chief
        • He is generally fair-minded and decisive
          • Ralph speaks in very short sentences so there is no doubt about what his orders are
        • "I'm chief. I'll go. Don't argue..."
        • Ralph speaks in very short sentences so there is no doubt about what his orders are
    • one of the oldest boys and is quickly elected as Chief
      • He is generally fair-minded and decisive
        • Ralph speaks in very short sentences so there is no doubt about what his orders are
      • "I'm chief. I'll go. Don't argue..."
      • Ralph speaks in very short sentences so there is no doubt about what his orders are
    • Jack
      • savage
        • "He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling"
        • no sense of justice or what is right.
        • The mask seems to turn him into something else - a dancing, leaping savage
    • Piggy
      • comes from a lower social class
        • "Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness"
          • Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness


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