P1 Stable Earth P & S Waves


P1 Stable Earth


  • Earthquake produce shock waves which can travel inside the earth
  • Two main types of seismic waves
  • P-Waves (Primary Waves)
  • S-Waves (Secondary Waves)
  • The properties of the seismic waves proved evidence of the structure of the earth.


  • They can damage buildings & cause tsunamis. These waves are called seismic waves & can be detected by seimome†ers.
  • P-Waves & S-Waves
  • Longitudinal & travel through both solids & liquids
  • Transverse & travel through solids but not through liquids. They travel slower than P-Waves
  • Crust, Mantle, Outter & Inner Core

Overall summary

After an earthquake, the waves are detected over the world. P-Waves are detected in most places, so this means they can travel through the solid crust & mantle, & the liquid outer & inner core.they S-Waves are only detected in close to the epicentre. This means they can pass through the solid crust & mantle, but they can't pass through the liquid outer core.


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