One Child Policy vs Kerala


One Child Policy vs Kerala


  • Reduced the birth rate significantly
  • Made, on average, households wealthier
  • Improved quality of education
  • Helped solve the problem of an increasing population


  • Kerala had a voluntary scheme which improved the quality of life for women and made them feel happier as they had more freedom to find work.
  • China made women feel unsafe in their own communities and made them feel scared of forced sterilisations and abortions
  • Kerala helps improve the lives of children whereas China has placed enormous amounts of pressure of young children to work hard and to reach their parents ambitions

Overall comparison

China has an unsustainable population with more young men than young girls due to a national preference for boys. Single men won't be able to reproduce as they have a shortage of partners which will eventually lead to a small workforce and a high number of elderly pensioners. Kerala has improved the quality of life for many people but China has caused widespread fear and has broken community spirits.


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