Obedience: Milgram's Research

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 29-04-18 12:29

Obedience: Milgram's Research


  • Contrasting Research to point opposite - Sheridan and King study where real shocks given to puppy, despite real shocks, 54% of male students and 100% females delivered what they thought was fatal shock. Suggesting effects in Milgram's study were genuine. Milgram said 70% believed shocks were genuine.
  • Good External Validity - Milgram's study may appear to lack validity because conducted in a lab. However, central feature of situation was relationship with experimenter and ppt. Milgram argues lab environment accurately reflects wider authoirty relationships in real life. This suggests process of obedience to authority can be generalised to other situations. Findings therefore valuable
  • Despite ethical issues, 84% happy they participated.


  • Low Internal Validity - Orne and Holland 1968 argued ppts behaved the way they did because they didn't really believe in the set up - Gina Perry 2013 listened to tapes of Milgram's ppts and reported many expressed their doubts about the shocks
  • Deception - ppts had to be decieved to avoid demand characteristics, raising issue if they would be happy to take part if they knew what the study was about.
  • Ppts suffered stress from the experiment - no protection from harm.



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