Nuclear Family

  • Created by: jemma1011
  • Created on: 13-05-13 10:29

Nuclear Family


  • There is no interference from other family members.
  • The parents can make their own childcare provision.
  • The family can visit relatives when they choose to.
  • Smaller family units are more affordable.


  • May miss family members as they do not live locally.
  • Parents, grandparents and children will miss out on a close relationship.
  • Family members are not close by to be able to look after children or help out the family in times of crisis.
  • Childcare will have to be paid for.
  • May be difficult to get to the rest of the family in times of crisis.


Parents and their children live away from the rest of their family. There is not support or help from the family as they live too far away. More effort is required to keep contact with the family members if parents work.


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