Native Americans


Native Americans


  • Why were they fighting for rights?
  • This is because ofThe Indian Removal Act, which authorized the removal of Native tribes, in 1830.
  • Why were they more desperate as the other groups?
  • unemployment was 10x national rate, life expectancy 20 years lower than average, suicide rate 100x higher than white


  • 1968- AIM was founded for red power
  • 1969- AIM leaders occupied Alcatraz island and helped consolidate a unified native american approach to activism
  • 1972- sit in at Bureau of Indian affairs attracted national attention

Overall summary

achievements: congress and federal courts returned millions of acres of land to tribal ownership, 1975- self determination and education assistance act gave native american leaders more control over education and economic development on the reservationslimitations: continued to have higher rate of alcholism and suicide than any other group, 9/10 lived in substandard housing, 40% unemployed 


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