DId Napoleon preserve or betray the ideals of the revolution?

  • Created by: SHWG
  • Created on: 05-02-17 14:44


  • Administration: For administrative purposes, he did retain the departments of the revolution.
  • He did maintain the great gains of rhe revolution e.g Confirmed the constitution of 1799 and the civil code
  • Confirmed end of feudalism in France and equality of Frenchmen before the law
  • He established state schools by the Imperial Uni 1808- in revolution, state schools were proposed but not set up so he developed this.
  • In revolution, everyone was equal in the courts, this was the same under Napoleon
  • Although the laws were made by the tribunate and legislature (similar to rev that the assembly made the laws), these were often rubber stamped with Napoleons wishes.
  • Universal male suffrage under Napoleon, same in revolution as most men could vote. BUT- no men could vote after 1804 under Napoleon (empire)
  • Assembly: In revolution there was a legislative and National Convention elected by the people. In Nap: there was a tribunate and legislature who were chosen by Nap frim candidates elected by the people
  • In revolution, the church was paid for by the state, this was the same under Napoleon
  • No tax exemptions for Church and nobility under Napoleon- same in revolution
  • Maintained equality before the law- same as revolution


  • Napoleon had absolute power, like the King.: Hereditary monarchy
  • Government and administrative reforms replaced the sovereignty of the revolution (loose government based on election) with a centralised authorocratic rule- not unlike the ancient regime- especially after the establishment of an empire 1804
  • Legal and judicial reforms based on authoritarianism of roman law
  • Suppression of freedom of expression and extension of police powers is like those of the bourbon monarchy
  • Opposition was violently rooted out, life was geared to the service of the state and ruler.
  • Concordat Catholic church 1802- Catholicism was restored to the powerful position and influence in the state with few exceptions (like AR)
  • A central role in the local gov during Napoleon was the prefect which resembled an intendent in the AR
  • Nap introduced a new imperial nobility, the legion of honour recreated a hierarchy of ranks. (in revolution, the nobility and ranks/status were abolished)
  • Administration: he reintroduced the 40,000 pre-1789 communes as the basic terrirotial and electoral unit
  • Education: really only the privileged went to school (same as AR), in revolution it was open to all. Pupils were taught obedience, military service and morals, whereas in revolution they aimed to develop attitudes
  • Religion: bishops were appointed by Napoleon, in AR they were appointed by the king which is similar. Different to revolution where they were appointed by the people.


I don't think he maintained all of the ideals of the revolution / return the revolution to it's original principles, but rather he wanted a dictorial style of Government and country.(tip: in intro, you must define what the ideals/original principles of the revolution were)


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