Minority Influence

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 05-05-18 14:20

Minority Influence


  • SE for flexibility - Mugny and Papastamou 1982 found when a minority refused to budge on their opinion on pollution, they weren't persuasive. However, when they compromised, they were seen as less extreme and more persuasive.
  • SE for consistency - Wood et al 1994 carried out meta-analysis of 97 students and found tat minorities who were perceived as especially consistent in expressing their position were particularly more influential.
  • SE for commitment - Xie et al 2011 found the percent of commited opinion holders necessary to tip majority into accepting minority was just 10%.


  • Artificial Tasks - many experiments are lab based and procedures involved are far removed from real life, e.g. identifying colour of slides lacks ecological validity.
  • CR - Kalven and Zeisel suggest among juries, the majority when deliberation begins tends to determine final verdict, not minority views.



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