Milgram's study evaluation

  • Created by: Megs555
  • Created on: 22-05-17 17:14


AdvantagesGetting Started

  • Good external validity - lab based relationship reflects wider real-life authority relationships. Hofling found high levels of obedience of nurses to unjustified demands of doctors. This means processes can be generalised.
  • Replications have supported Milgrams findings - in a French documentary, people had to give electric shocks to others. 80% gave  maximum. Behaviour was similar. Supports original conclusions.


  • Lacks internal validity - Orne and Holland suggest that pp's knew the shocks were fake. He wasn't testing what he intended to test. However, Sheridan and King found that 54% males and all females gave what they thought was a lethal shock to a puppy.
  • Ethical issues - deception was used. This is a betrayal of trust and damages a psychologists reputation. They are less likely too volunteer in the future.



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