



  • Metabolic pathways
  • Can work aerobically, producing 36 ATP total.
  • In anaerobic conditions, only glycolysis works, therefore 2 ATP's are produced only. However glycolysis requires 2 ATP anyway.
  • Cellular respiration
  • TCA and ETC occur in the mitochondria


  • Glycolysis works aerobically and anaerobically, TCA only works aerobically
  • Glycolysis uses 2 ATP, Kreb's does not require ATP
  • Linear means you start with one product and produce a different product. They use each product before as a substrate. Glucose creates pyruvate.
  • Circular means you start with one product and end with the same product, each metabolite is regenerated. In TCA oxaloacetate begins Krebs.
  • Glycolysis breaks down sugars
  • Krebs uses Acetyl CoA which is a product of glycolysis, fatty acid metabolism or amino acid metabolism.
  • Glycolysis is regulated when ATP levels are too high. The ATP binding sites divert to allosteric pathways, shutting down the enzyme.
  • Krebs is regulated by high levels of ATP, NADH and Acetyl CoA slowing down pyruvate dehydrogenase. When ATP is low, AMP can trigger faster production.
  • ETC only works when oxygen is available and is the highest yielder of ATP.
  • ETC creates a proton gradient from high to low that drives energy production and requires no energy to do so. The momentum creates the energy

Overall comparison

Glycolysis is a linear pathway that follows steps where each product is used as the next substrate. Glycolysis requires 2 ATP to produce 4 ATP, therefore having net total of 2 ATP. The end product of glycolysis is 2 pyruvate. Glycolysis can work aerobically and anaerobicallyThe two pyruvate molecules produced by glycolysis enter the circular pathway, TCA cycle. The TCA requires oxygen for oxidation, therefore only works aerobically. 3NADH, 1 FADH, 1 GTP and 2 CO2 are released. However this cycle goes round twice as there are two pyruvate molecules, therefore  2 ATP are made in total.The Electron Transport Chain target is to break down the NADH and FADH produced by TCA cycle. The ETC using a concentration gradient to produce ATP. ATP is produced when H+ is moved through the concentration gradient by the enzyme ATP-synthase. ETC produces 32 ATP


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