Longitudinal Studies

  • Created by: Realinq
  • Created on: 04-01-20 18:01

Longitudinal Studies


  • You can see Changes over Time
  • Large Amounts of Information Gathered
  • Comparisons can be Made between Findings
  • Adds Details to Events
  • It gives the Respondent a "Voice"
  • Some Trace the Same People over Long Time Span to Show Experiences and Influential Factors on their Lives and Life Chances​


  • Hawthorne Effect is Possible
  • Costly
  • Very Time-Consuming
  • Large Amounts of Information collected can be Unusable and Irrelevant
  • Retention of the Sample - Sample Attrition
  • Representativeness Affected by Attrition
  • Reasons for Sample Attrition: Death, Emigration, Refusal to Participate, Failure to Trace


Studies can be Expensive and Difficult to Carry Out, however they can be Rewarding with Information and Data


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