Liberal Reforms


Liberal Reforms


  • State extended it's influence: School meals, child welfare, minimum wages, minimum working conditions, school medical service, national insurance act.
  • State took new powers of compulsion: National insurance, general tax, replace local and vouluntary schemes with compulsory ones such as school health checks


  • Lifebelt
  • Doesn't prevent getting in trouble
  • Housing in short supply and slums remained
  • Poor Law wasn't attempted to be reformed
  • Education Bill destroyed by Lords
  • No specifci aid for large families
  • Child legislation permissive
  • Conservative majority in House of Lords
  • Old Liberals still present
  • Conservative power


Overall even though the reforms did create the foundations of the welfare state we know today they were not fully sucessful. There was still opposition in the House of Lords due to it being dominated by conservative which all reforms had to pass through. Old liberals were still present and opposing some reforms. The reforms also did not go far enough to improve every aspect of life with slums and poverty still rife.


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