"Liberal views on human nature are far too optimistic" - discuss (25)


"Liberal views on human nature are far too optimistic" - discuss (25)


  • FOR
  • HUMANS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON TO MAKE MORAL DECISIONS: John Locke: We dont always act in others interests. Thomas Hobbes desribed human nature as "nasty, brutish and short", meaning HN Is selfish. For example the persecution of certain groups throughout history and the number of hate crimes rising globally. Some argue that religion is too deeply engrained and despite the Enlightenment something Liberalists cannot escape, eg - Genesis "From the days of his youth the inclination of man is to do evil."
  • RELIGION IS STILL VERY IMPORTANT AND TRUSTED MORE THAN THE INDIVIDUAL ACTING ALONE: How can individuals make better decisions on their own than figures who are guided by thousands of years worth of teachings and experience. Fundamental religious countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia see laws based on fundamental religion to be more beneficial to citizens than them 'fending for themselves'. Some of the most powerful countries which claim to be liberal and democratic still have growing support for radical faith based politics. This shows for many its too hard to dismiss religion - often is the determining factor in moral decisions.


  • WE HAVE GOOD REASONS TO BE OPTIMISTIC: Collapse of the soviet union 1989, Emergence of capitalist states in eastern European - market economics and liberal democracies represented 'the end of history' - goals to which all states eventually aspire. Fits with Mill's ideas that human nature isnt fixed but is constantly progressing to a higher level, as long as it doesnt undermines others. No groups more powerful than others, human rights are universal. Eg - modern liberals in favour of extending rights, such as womens rights in Saudi Arabia, they still cant swim in public or try on clothes - things we take for granted in the West.
  • DEMOCRACIES ARE ADOPTING LIBERAL CHARACTERS: eg - the Uk and US. Tolerance of diverse lifestyles, eg - Uk 2014 legalisation of same sex marriage. Growing case of communication (mobiles and personal computers) and for individuals to 'express themselves', sites like Facebook and Twitter. Growth of globalisation - adapting to a variety of cultures. BUT - this has also brought weaknesses, migration in Europe and the US has brought backlash in communities and an emergence of attitudes at odds with the liberal mindset.



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