John Dudley - Duke of Northumberland, profile

  • Created by: HarryS02
  • Created on: 22-05-20 14:51

How did he rise?

Rule: social, economic

  • Gained military reputation after battles vs France and Scotland
  • 1549, beat Kett rebellion
  • 1549, planned removal of Somerset
  • 1550, became Lord Preseident of the privy council
  • 1551, became Duke of Northumberland
  • SOCIAL - increased JP's rights
  • SOCIAL - reversed vagrancy acts
  • SOCIAL - increased central control
  • SOCIAL - ridded sheep and property tax
  • SOCIAL - introduced poor law, allowed parishes to care for the poor
  • ECONOMIC - reduced spending
  • ECONOMIC - Cecil put in charge of treasury, Gresham sent to Netherlands to improve trade
  • ECONOMIC - 1550, treaty of Boulogne, ended French war, reduced crown debt from £260,000 to £180,000 in three years
  • ECONOMIC - 1552, coinage restored to 1527 value, ending high inflation
  • ECONOMIC - gave Edward an allowance
  • ECONOMIC - Controlled grain stock

Rule: enclosure, government style, religion

How did Northumberland fall from power?

  • ENCLOSURE - ended anti-enclosure policies
  • GOVERNMENT - more centralised
  • GOVERNMENT - expanded to 33 members
  • GOVERNMENT - placed his own supporters on the privy council
  • RELIGIOUS - claimed he was conservative in order to gain power BUT switched to reformist
  • RELIGIOUS - instrumental in second prayer book and second act of uniformity
  • Clear the king would die, Northumberland was becoming unpopular as he attempted to secure the king's favour
  • Edward changed the line of succession to the Grey family (cousins),people suspected Northumberland as his son (Guildford) was married to new heir, Lady Jane Grey
  • Northumberland marched troops North, to Suffolk after Mary built up an army BUT was abandoned by his men and the privy council, they supported Mary
  • Northumberland executed with his son and Lady Jane Grey, August 1553


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