  • Created by: Gaynor
  • Created on: 04-03-18 13:06



  • Can allow an infertile couple to have a child
  • Can freeze excess embryos for the future
  • Can't lead to designer babies - can't choose the gender of the child


  • It can cause multiple births which are dangerous for mother and babies
  • It has a low success rate ~ 26%
  • Expensive - costs several thousands
  • Religious opposition/ethical issues - destroying embryos is unethical - preventing the right to live
  • The fertility drugs can have side effects like abdominal pain and vomiting
  • It can be stressful and upsetting if multiple courses fail


Personally, I am against IVF because the excess embryos are usually destroyed which is morally wrong. I would also argue against it because although an infertile couple can have a child, it is incredibly expensive and it has a very low success rate.


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