
  • Created by: Iqqy_123
  • Created on: 15-05-16 19:51
What is IVF ?
In Vitro Fertlisation
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What is First Step ?
The Women is given a treatment of Fertility Drugs
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What is the Second Step ?
Several eggs are matured and realesed, these are collected by the doctor
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What is the Third step ?
The eggs are mixed with sperm from the father
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What is the fourth step ?
The fertlised eggs, become a ball of cells called an embryo
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What is fifth step ?
One or two embryos are inserted back into the womens womb
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What is the sixth step ?
The embryos develop into a baby in the womb
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Advantages of IVF
Couples decide when they want to have children, and how much they want
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Disadvantages of IVF
Some eithical concerns like the disposal of embryos
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Card 2


The Women is given a treatment of Fertility Drugs


What is First Step ?

Card 3


Several eggs are matured and realesed, these are collected by the doctor


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Card 4


The eggs are mixed with sperm from the father


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Card 5


The fertlised eggs, become a ball of cells called an embryo


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