Internal Recruitment

  • Created by: 17dbub
  • Created on: 03-03-20 21:24

Internal Recruitment


  • Cheaper and quicker to recruit.
  • People are already familiar with the business and how it operates.
  • Provides opportunities for promotion within the business - can be motivating.
  • Business already knows the strengths and the weaknesses of the candidate.


  • Limits the number of potential applicants.
  • No new ideas can be produced from outside.
  • May cause resentment against candidates not appointed.
  • Creates another vacancy which needs to be filled.





I need to find a way to get other students involved in my project. Ive already started implementing concepts, but I am looking for people who will take it the next level and help me shape the entries and also you can buy college essays online at site to manage the task. This is a great opportunity for someone who might have ideas and wants to try them out on a bigger scale."