Formation of volcanoes and earthquakes

  • Created by: Ru222
  • Created on: 14-11-21 19:33

Formation of volcanoes and earthquakes


  • destructive (earthquake)- tension builds when one plate gets stuck as it moves past the other
  • conservative(earthquake)- tension builds when the plates that are grinding past each other get stuck
  • constructive (earthquake)- tension builds along cracks in the plate as they move away from each other


  • destructive(volcano)- at a destructive margin, the denser oceanic plate is subducted beneath the continental plate, and moves down into the mantle, where it melts. a pool of magma forms which then rises through cracks in the plates called vents. magma (called lava when it reaches the surface) erupts, forming a volcano
  • conservative (volcano)- at a conservative margin, only earthquakes occur
  • constructive( volcano)- magma rises up into the gap, created by the  plates moving apart, forming a volcano

Overall comparison

volcanoes occur at destructive and constructive plate margins whereas earthquakes occur at all three types of plate margin- they occur due to a buildup of tension at all three types of plate margins 


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